28 January, 2009

It's A Snow (or shall I say ICE) Day

I will have something to say about the magic of a snow day later, for now... well, my thoughts are a jumble. I have things that need to be done as we prepare to have the house cleaned tomorrow and house guests for the weekend... and I promised to make cookies. But I found this quote that I just had to share as I have never read it and, well, I like the idea. I actually found it on a co-workers Facebook profile (there is a post in that too I believe but... another time.) Here is the quote... any thoughts? Any quotes of your own to share on this icy and snowy Snow Day?

"Like loving a woman with a broken nose, you may well find lovelier lovelies, but never a lovely so real."

1 comment:

MindyMom said...

I love it! I also saw a quote today that I liked:

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that’s where you renew your springs that never dry up." ~ Pearl Buck

I'm a quote junkie and have tons more.