If you listen to a group of kids long enough you might hear one of them say “prove it.” It is the line in the sand. It is the moment in which one must back his claims with a real deed or evidence supporting his claim.
“Prove it!”
Sometimes I wonder if much of our lives are spent looking for proof. We seek evidence indicating that something is real or that it exists. We ask people to prove themselves via their work or their skills or their studies. Proof allows us to see something solid and in black and white over taking a risk or a leap of faith.
We ask people to prove themselves all the time. They have to prove their love, their trustworthiness, and their integrity. Yet, how do we prove our love? How do we prove to someone that we can be trusted? How do we prove ourselves if we have acted in such a way that leaves one questioning either of these?
If someone betrays trust, can that trust ever be regained through adhering to rules and constraints? I question whether that is the way to rebuild trust. Trust is a leap of faith in any situation or circumstance. We must allow ourselves the opportunity to let go, take our hands off the safety bar, open our hearts, and just trust. If conditions and rules are in place surrounding that trust, are we taking the leap or are we reinforcing the distrust that exists?
Love is similar to trust. It is an emotion but it is also a choice. When we question the love that someone feels for us, or we find that we do not trust that love completely, do we ask for proof? Does proof of love come through adhering to conditions and that person becoming the man or woman we wish them to be? Is it something that is proved via the amount of money we are willing to spend or the extent of ourselves we are willing to prostitute for another?
There are many things that we can prove throughout our lives – they are factual; linier; proven via trial and error and experimentation. But, when it comes to love and trust and honesty and such, is asking for proof – are we indicating that the love or trust don’t exist?
As I age, I find that there are more aspects of life that can not be proven. They, like the truth, stand on their own. We either choose to believe or we don’t – and if we don’t want to take the risk and believe… then perhaps we need to move on and find something or someone in which we feel comfortable taking the risk.
I used to love math because it had proofs. Answers were black and white. I used to love programming computers for the same reason.
But life isn't black and white. It's gray. Fuzzy. Love, especially.
I've been reading your blog for about two weeks now and have really enjoyed your perspectives. There are portions of each one that I can relate to and have been able to take away some good "thinking material" for myself.
This one in particular, "prove it" has been trown my way a lot over the last year.
DH - How easy life would be were it all black and white - but... it would be a lot more boring too I think. It is in the gray that the variety and the spice and the love and joy reside!
SS - Welcome. I am glad that you are able to find something in my musings! Each experience is singular and I am in the midst of quite a journey!
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