19 March, 2010

Every Day Gems

This morning – this glorious May morning in March -  I found myself listening to the different bird songs as I walked under picture perfect blue skies and reveled in the sunshine.  I love hearing the birds in the mornings and the crickets and frogs through the bedroom window at night.  They are the little things that get lost sometimes, but they are aspects of my days and nights that I treasure.  I walked, listened and found myself considering all the cars whizzing by me on the road.  Those people don’t hear the birds.  Do they note the yellow and purple of the flowers on the corner or the snow that still dots different corners or shoulders of the road?

This week, I have noted an increasing awareness of the little things – the simple, every day moments that dot my days and nights.  It isn’t that these things weren’t there last week or yesterday, it is just that right now I am noticing them and appreciating them to an extent I haven’t in the past.  

And it really is the little things…

The first taste of coffee

The way the sun shines between the trees just, so

The feel of my toes in the air and the swish of my skirt against bare legs

The hair that curls at my daughter’s part in front

There are so many little things – textures, colors, smiles, shapes, sizes...

There are tastes and tones and people and gestures

It is about Being Open to the Moments and aware of the world.

I am treasuring my awareness as I understand that there will be times when I too am caught up in the busy-ness of life once again.  I will find myself more distracted by work or events or something that I will not take the time to note these little gems.  I might even find myself noting the big things – the big, memorable moments and forgetting that it is these simple strings of everyday life that create the tapestry.  It is the normal and the perhaps overlooked threads that, when woven together, create the beauty that is life – that is me.



1 comment:

dadshouse said...

The birds are out in full force where I live. Love their chirping!