And all that brought me back to this tab and the desire to write what I intended to write months upon months ago!
Who am I?
I am the person that leaves messages in verse and in song on phones.
I am the friend that celebrates and shares and listens and opens myself and my heart without hesitation.
I dance on sidewalks and on street corners with the most amazing (and perfectly her) child one could imagine.
I make funny bear noises and am silly and sing and laugh and smile whenever and wherever the spirit hits me.
My epitaph will read ‘ She Loved and She Lived with Integrity!’
If you travel back through the archives of this blog, you might find that different aspects of me shine through at different times. I am flirtatious. I have a body that I enjoy despite its changes throughout the years – and it is healthier and better than ever. I love men and friends and conversations and laughter. I am a single parent who has never shared that honor or that job with another person – and that is something I love.
I look for the silver lining and the opportunities – and that doesn’t mean that life isn’t challenging – it just means that I choose to live it as fully as I possibly can and with an open mind and heart.
As I write this, I am in the middle of a challenging phase in my life. I don’t write about the topics that used to fill my head – relationships, flirting, communication, etc as I once did. With all that is happening, I am increasingly aware of the fragility of life and the concept of grabbing hold of it and living it as fully and boldly as possible.
I believe in integrity – alignment of actions and words… and I love banter (did I mention that?)
I surround myself with people who are full of vitality and passion – and the music that each listens to is singular as is the path that they travel! I love it!!
And…I don’t play games. Not even with men – I love you all but honestly, this whole teasing thing and playing hard to get is beyond me! But I do keep you on your toes with a quick wit and a creative mind… and I listen.
I love people, their stories, their minds and thoughts, their laughter… I love what different people bring to the table. Life is a huge buffet with everyone having a different dish to add to the festivities!
I count my blessings as often as possible.
I smile and laugh with strangers in coffee shops.
I dance while waiting in lines and find humor and joy in life to the extent possible.
I am an attractive (to my daughter’s dismay), sexy, playful, creative, single parent with a love of life and learning and exploring and loving that just won’t stop!
And here is where I write…