For many, Labor day weekend marks the end of vacation and a return to normalcy. Not for us. For the Diva and myself, Labor day simply means a three day weekend. New adventures, experiments, and discoveries are just around the corner.
In this respect, The Exception is no exception!
For September, I have a few new things to try.
- I have a creative experiment to try thanks to Teri and her Farah post. (And because we are talking about Teri here, you know it has something to do with the male of the species ; it could be great fun)
- I would like to invite Shawn, from Rejiggered, to come over and offer those interested "custom" created drinks/cocktails. (Because this is one man who knows his alcohol and how to mix it) (and, now that the days are getting shorter/longer - depending on your location - who couldn't use a custom made drink!)
- I also thought it might be fun to do as Wombat and Scotty suggested (kind of) and play with an audio post. (This has proven to be somewhat fun. My voice sounds better over the computer than via a cassette - thankfully. Now, if I could just figure out what to say!)
But first, before the summer ends and the school year/ballet season begins, I thought I might be a bit reckless and daring so...
I am opening myself up for questions!!

If you have questions - anything and everything - the more exceptional the better - you would like to ask, feel free to take this opportunity to do so.
I will try to answer all the questions on Tuesday, 4 September.
Fire away!
I've started doing audio posts and they are fun. I'll be back with the questions ;-)
With an eye to your first audio post...because you are The Exception, what do you notice about others that might make them exceptional in your eyes?
An assignment! Oh no! (Well at least the word "ass" is in it!)
Have a great weekend, you sexy creature! I will try to chime in with a question or two!
Hmmm... I shall have to ponder the question that I would most like to ask ;)
MC - Can't wait. They should be exceptional, indeed!
Wombat - Now that is a question. You think it is a good audio post?
Teri - Yes, work on this holiday weekend! Hopefully you can come up with something fun.
Scorpy - Ah, anticipation...
Well, it's a start. Easier to talk about others rather than yourself.
Face it, EO, we want to know all about you in listen form, so if you tell us your innermost secrets, everyone will be happy.
Simple, no?
Okay, start with something like how you like your coffee, or the things you do first in the morning, or last at night.
Oh, maybe that's too innermost.
Please ignore me.
Wombat - Ignore you - is that possible???
That is for you to decide, EO.
I've been tossing up about an audio post too. I'll see how it works out for you first ;)
Wombat - Up to me - then I say... Not possible. You are irresistable!
Steph - Sure... let me go first! ;) I have some sound bites online now. Those who have heard them are satisfied. My post might be as soon as next week.
Here's a Q: Describe the ideal man...for you at least...
Urgh... brain too fried to think of a good one, I must save the opportunity.
Okay, here's my question:
How many men's asses have you grabbed in your life?
MC - OK, I can answer that.
Scotty - I think you missed your flight? It is now 4 September.
I will give you a rain check on the question.
Teri - hum...
I did,
Teri's question reminded me when a random girl bit my butt while playing pool.
Scotty - Hopefully she was cute!
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