03 June, 2008

A Fun Contest - Links Fixed

June has finally arrived!

It is that time of year when spending time outside is a delight. The pool is open, school is winding down, and summer vacation planning becomes a high priority!

But summer is also a wonderful time for creative first dates! It is ironic that I, the master of the "undate" am discussing first dates and creativity, but... I figured it might be kind of fun given that it is summer and I am always up for a challenge!

IN that light, and without further ado, I wanted to draw your attention to Dads House and a contest he is sponsoring! This contest is the result of a post he wrote suggesting a hike for a first date and the comments that he received stating that a hike was not a good first date, regardless of how public that hike might be. (I thought the hike was a great idea, just for the record. I love nature, walking, talking and all)

So... everyone link over to Dads House and enter his contest in search of first dates stories and ideas...!

As for my idea of a nice first date... I think it really depends on the people involved. Of late, mine have all been coffee or lunch dates, which is not very original, but it gets the job done. That said, given the possibilities in the DC area (or even in the SF area - which is where Dads House resides) there are plenty of fun and original ways to have a first date.

Creativity and/or simplicity are key for me.

I suppose, at heart and despite my all business all the time facade, I like a touch of romance. A friend of mine in Stockholm used to tell me about taking a date out on the sailboat with wine and cheese etc. Granted, this is probably way beyond the boundaries of what many American women might consider a "safe" first date, but the idea is, lovely.

That said, there are so many things that men and women can do, together, to enjoy a first date. The sky is the limit if both parties are paying attention to what they other actually says and if there is a spark of creativity involved.

In the DC area, in the summer, outside is definitely the way to go - except on those extremely humid days. There are festivals on the weekends, theater in the parks, and a movie once a week on the National Mall. Each of these offers a great opportunity to grab a picnic and a blanket and relax while getting to know one another. There is enough distraction to allow for lulls in the conversation or cover any discomfort. Plus, the events can contribute to the conversation. There are Farmer's Markets in which a couple can wander, talk, taste test, and pull together a picnic or a dinner if things are clicking.

A day spent wandering through Virginia's wine country would be a nice first date. A little wine here and there and a chance to gaze at the scenery and get to know one another. It can last as long as both parties desire.

On those hot and humid days, there are a variety of things to try indoors - cooking lessons, dance lessons, ice skating, even... bowling! Not to mention that vast number of museums!

It is easy and safe to fall back on coffee or drinks as a "first date." It is the norm; it is what everyone does. But it doesn't have to be.

It is the date that rings of individuality and thought that catches my attention. The date that required consideration and actually getting to know me just a little before hand. The date doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive to be great. In the end, it is about the people, the connection, and their chemistry... but if the date is fun and different, all the better!

(And it doesn't have to be a first date, it can be a date after you have been married for years or decades - it means a lot when there is a touch of thought and attentiveness given to the event)


cathouse teri said...

So really... if you were to meet someone online... and they asked you to go on a hike on a remote trail for the first date... you've never met... you are totally on board for that idea?

I mean I would do it. I am completely haphazard when it comes to that sort of thing. I have met men I don't even know at their hotel rooms! For sex! And I never even learned their first names!

But that's me. I'll check out the contest. :)

cathouse teri said...

Is your linkage messed up or is it my computer? When I click on the links, I go to email.

Which is fine. I know how to get to Dad's house. But I thought I'd ask about that.

Scotty said...


Lad Litter said...

Don't you have to be a bit cagey on first dates? The coffee/lunch thing might be a bit humdrum but it provides an escape hatch of sorts.

I think (not having been on a first date since 1987) that a daytime public activity that involves meeting the person there would fit the bill, but that might allow you to be creative too.

The Exception said...

Teri - I will check the links. I was having issues with google when I posted. And yes, depending on the location, I would do the hike!

Scotty - That is a great idea - I have never played so I am happy to try when you arrive!

LL - You do have to be careful, but there is opportunity to be creative in a public place. Or, how often do we hear people say they knew someone well but never expected... We never really know a person, whether it is the first date or decades of living next door. People marry only to find out that one has an awful temper etc.

cathouse teri said...

Yeah, I know it depends on the location. I know most women would associate it with scary isolated places.

And I have no idea why I said I would do it. I wouldn't go on a hike under any circumstances with anyone! I hate hiking! (I think what I meant was that the "scary" element would not stop me.)

Anonymous said...

The outdoor movie in the National mall sounds so much fun. I'm totally thinking of hot summer nights now!

Great suggestions. Oh, and wine tasting, I'm a big fan!

The Exception said...

DH - So many options when one looks beyond the expected!