03 July, 2008

If You Happened to See...

As I have traveled cross country these past few days, I have considered the people that I "know" through the internet. There are very few who I would recognize and even fewer that would know me. It is an interesting feeling to think that somewhere, on this beach, at the airport, or even at a theater, there might be someone who reads my posts or whose posts I read as often as they are written.

That said, here are a few things that I did over my vacation, throughout the Midwest etc, that might ring a bell. I mean, honestly, someone somewhere out there might have seen me!! (And make yourself known if you did!!)

* Did you see the crazy lady tangled in thread in the Twin Cities airport? That was me as I attempted to untangle the Diva's embroidery thread. She was the cute kid standing with me laughing and doing some Japanese braiding thing. We were quite the spectacle with many coming to see what she was doing.

* Or maybe you were walking the River Walk in Omaha? I was the one with the camera taking loads and loads of pictures of the swan, river, cityscape, kid... Eyes hidden behind my shades, walking and laughing and having a great time. That was me.

* Perhaps you were at the National Theater and noticed me singing and dancing, caring little about what anyone else was doing. What a fun evening!

* Hum... or maybe you were at the beach, that beautiful beach located at the most eastern side of Virginia? If you were, I am sure you heard shrieking and laughing as I went toe-to-toe with the waves! I was the absolutely silly woman playing in the waves while my daughter dug for sand crabs with a few new friends. I am one of those people who enjoy the sand and the silences of the beach in the early morning and evening/night, but during the day... for me, the beach is about the surf! Bring on the waves!

* This one applies largely to the men: Maybe you were in Virginia, or DC, or Omaha, or aforementioned airport and caught site of a tanned woman in a Henley tank that fit , just right? The top that leaves enough to the imagination and yet reveals just enough to drive the guys wild? You don't remember her face, but you remember seeing the assets? Well, that wasn't me! (ha ha) It was, but don't tell anyone okay?

These are just a few highlights of a wonderful vacation. Who knows, maybe someone somewhere out there saw me. It is kind of a nice feeling given the quality of the people who read and comment. At some point in the near future, I would like to catch up with one of you and chat. Until then, keep your eyes peeled as you never know just when you might find yourself looking at The Exception!

(Anyone going to the Kennedy Center Friday evening? I'll be the one kicked back enjoying the sites and the sounds, and all the fresh fruit I can eat!)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like great travels! The Henley tank - I'm picturing you like Mike Dukakis with a helmet riding in a tank... surely not the image you intended.

Oh, wait. You meant tank top! Mmmmm... that I can picture!

Jeni said...

If, in your travels to the Kennedy Center, you meet a young lady (maybe with a name tag that says "Molly" -don't know if they have name tags there for employee usage), well say hello to her and tell her that her boyfriend's cousin in Pennsylvania reads your blog! How's that for a semi-small-world scenario?

The Exception said...

DH - A tank would be fun... or an F14... something with a lot of power! But I did, indeed, mean a tank top.

Jeni - What a small world! I will keep my eye out for her as we are there all the time!

Anonymous said...

The tank top sounds fun. Enjoy the Kennedy Center (or KC as you once referred to it). I will most likely be strolling from the Rosslyn area towards a place where viewing fireworks is possible.

Anonymous said...

By the way, did you listen to the song I recommended, and if so, did you LOVE it?

The Exception said...

TF - I hope that you find a place from which you can watch without being stepped on or soaked in the forecasted rain!! ;)

And yes... loved the song - Thanks for the heads up!

Scotty said...

I know, isnt it weird that you could have passed someone you 'knew' but never met... and would have never known it?

Please post pics.

The Exception said...

Scotty - It is very weird. Pictures are coming! ;)