30 May, 2007


My daughter does not flirt.

That's right. Men flirt with her. Boys tease her and yet want to be around her. But my daughter does not flirt or care. She doesn't like boys.

At least that is what I thought.

When the diva was 2, the boys loved her. Two of them fought over her attention. She preferred to play with the boys than with the girls. Then...

She didn't like boys anymore. The girls and the boys did their own thing, usually not together. A year and a half ago I had to "encourage" her to talk to the little boy in her dance class because it was the polite thing to do. From the beginning of first grade, she has done nothing but complain about the boys.

It was Saturday evening and we went to the pool. I had hoped that, with temperatures in the high 80's and high humidity, the water would have warmed enough for the diva to enjoy swimming for a few minutes.

We arrived to find one of the boys from her math class already swimming. She was overjoyed - someone with whom she could play. The diva got out her diving toys and the two began to play. And then...

She lost her goggles.

"E, my goggles. I lost my goggles"

She was standing in just over four feet of water and was perfectly capable of reaching down and grabbing her goggles herself.

But no. That isn't what happened. The boy came over and got her goggles for her.

I was stunned. I was shocked. I was flabbergasted. A daughter of mine behaving in such a way.

I was the slightest bit (hate to admit this) thrilled that she is already learning how to play a game that I never learned to play.


rubytuesdays said...

She's not learning. They were fighting over her at age two, she was born knowing that game. Regardless...I sincerely hope you were sitting down for the goggle moment...

The Exception said...

Ruby - I was relaxed and enjoying the sun. In fact, I didn't mention it to her until yesterday. And only because she was flirting with the 20 something guy attempting to swim laps. *sigh*

Chris said...

Oh my....I think you play the game better than most E.....

The Exception said...

Mr WriteNow - I have no idea what you are talking about! ;) (Eye flutter)

Beth said...

She's going to have the boys just begging for a date when she gets older!
I suck at that game. I try, but it never comes out the way I want it to. Sigh. Maybe I should take a few lessons from your daughter!

cathouse teri said...

Goodness gracious! She's got it goin' on!

My daughter never did do that sort of thing. Actually, all of my kids were strangely detached from the "flirting" world. They just treated people of both sexes like people, which made them especially popular. My sons never went through the "cootie" stage about girls, and so girls swamped to them. They just spoke to girls as they did to boys and it made the girls feel more important-er than other boys made them feel.

But my daughter, at 22 now, is dating and learning about men and THEIR games. It ain't much fun.

Anonymous said...

I am with Beth... maybe I could learn something from your daughter because I dont know the game. ;)

surfercam said...

My little girl won't be allowed out of the house until she's 30!
She's now 4, so it's a long way to go...

guygm said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting. Well, I guess I am in a rush to get married bc I feel OLD. I view marriage as finding my best friend. And marriage as starting a life together. Plus I want to have kids. Just sappy motivations... Hope you are doing well! I enjoyed your post. I actually never learned the game from the other side of the table. If a girl dropped something I'd purposefully ignore it as not to appear too eager and bc I was very very shy...


Bre said...

And playing the game quite well, to boot!

Carrie said...

What a smart little girl... good on you E!!

Have the T-shirt said...

That cracked me up! Thanks for the smiles :)

The Exception said...

Beth - I am not good at it either. I have no idea how to play the game.

Teri - She is quite a handful. I was much more like your kids. To this day, I don't understand the games men want to play. They seem like a waste of time though I am sure that they aren't!

Desiree - Hum, idea, maybe she can teach classes! :) Actually, I think it is just her being her. Must be a recessive gene though or come from her dad's side of the family. He is a Southern Charmer.

Surfercam - Been there too. When she was 2 a coworker told me to get a gun as I would need it. I thought about girls school, but... they seem to get in more trouble than the traditional co-ed variety. Thought about a deserted island as well, but then I would be...with her 24/7. I am taking my chances!

Guygm - Ah, a guy that doesn't play games. A rare find!

Bre - Oh yes, she can play quite well. I have no gray hair yet, but I have a feeling I will sooner than later. Lucky for me she neither wants to be involved with a man or have kids at this point. She just wants to dance. Boys would distract her from her goals! (Yea for dancing!)

Carrie - Now she just needs to learn when and when not to flirt! Maybe more difficult to learn?

T-Shirt - She is a nutty kid and always good at providing smiles and laughter.

TxGambit said...

Wow. I don't know if my daughter does that but she definitely gets attention.

The Exception said...

TXGambit - It is cute most of the time but tends to worry members of my family as she is just so comfortable and unaware of her actions. She is just being herself.

kapgar said...

Oh yeah, she's not a flirt.

When she hits her teen years, you're screwed.