13 September, 2007

Politics... !

I do not like politics. 
I do not "do" politics. 
If I never get my PhD, it will be because I hate politics. 
I have a degree in political science.  I studied political systems all over the world.  One of my favorite systems to study is Russia/USSR.  These are government, political systems that function in some way.  They are interesting. 
Politics, the day to day glad handing and baby kissing that is done in this country, in our businesses, in our schools, in our lives... I hate. 
I was just handed a platter of politics with whipped ream and a cherry on top.
I am so very upset!
Why is it that we put politics in a place of priority in our lives?  Why do we fake it, wheel and deal, put our emotions first before our brains?
Politics, in this case, cost a man his job.  He followed the protocol.  He requested a "change of work" as he was bored.  and, his manager, found a replacement. 
Can you imagine?    He was simply bored, not resigning. 
Miscommunication or not, it was political, pure and simple. 
Then, the other managers refused to hire him even though they have openings for a person just like him. 
Politics once again. 
He was a good, seasoned, and popular employee. 
Did he ever do a bad job?  No, but at some point, along the way, he made a political mistake. 
I am disgusted. 


Mike said...

I do not like politics.
I do not like them in a box.
I do not like them with a fox.
I do not like politics.
I'm right with you on this one.

Kennethwongsf said...

I think the most dreadful part of politics is this: in order to fight a political injustice, you need to become a politician. Be careful: don't go to the dark side :-)

(Apologies to the few sprinkle of selfless politicians that are out there.)

The Exception said...

Mike - Politics make the world go round, but I do not like them at all.

Kenneth - I refuse to be sucked into the world. Unfortunately this means that my career will not go as far as I should, and I will not be able to do all that I would like to do. But, I will maintain my integrity, which is more important to me.

Michael C said...

I don't like office politics, I don't like real politics and I don't like local community level politics.

Bre said...

I abhor politics - sing it sister!

Steph said...

Hence why politics is often described as dirty.

Scotty said...

I do not like politics, but have learned to play them very well.

Something I dont like, is that as you move 'higher' in an organization the more apparent they become.

Carrie said...

I hear you - and that is terrible about the man losing his job. That seemed like a misunderstanding, or a miscommunication... not something that he could be fired for!