30 October, 2007

Computer Issues etc

This morning I spent hours waiting for the Fed-Ex guy to bring my cable hook-up package....
Which is now installed!! 
Only to find that there is another issue challenging my computer.  I receive a "Send Error Report) every ten to fifteen seconds...
Time to call the Geeks!
I love my computer.  I enjoy the things that I am able to do with advanced technology - the communications I enjoy with people all over the country and the world. 
And yet, the simplest thing can put a wrench in the operations and suddenly, everything is thrown off; everything has gone a rye!
Given that Halloween is just around the corner, perhaps my computer is haunted?  More likely, it is possessed by some kind of computer demand!
Definitely time to call in a Geek!
(Unless one of you can give me a hand?)


Aaron said...

Computer demand indeed. ;)

JustRun said...

My computer is haunted, too. Even when I fix it, something else goes wrong.

The Exception said...

Aaron - Computer Demons... to be sure. Maybe eve a poltergeist!

JR - I have called the Geek Squad!! An agent will be able to fix the entire thing most assuredly! (Fingers crossed)

Kennethwongsf said...

It's the Ghost in the Machine ;-)

Good luck! Hope the Geek Squad can exorcise it.

Anonymous said...

I'd be happy to lend a hand ... or just a finger if my hand won't fit. ;-)

Also, it's "awry", not "a rye". (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/awry)

The Exception said...

Kenneth - You and me both. I miss being able to comment and read posts at will - including yours!!

Anon - Thanks for the correction - I was scatter brained yesterday and only in the office for mere minutes - long enough to write before dashing off to another undisclosed location.

I think I need more than just a finger! ;)

Scotty said...

I think I need more than just a finger!

Some can read into this you know, just sayin' ;)