29 November, 2007

And Then... There is Reality

For the past few years I have been a camper.  I have devoted my time to establishing a nice campsite with a homey feel about it.  I have, for the most part, allowed myself to be happy as a camper... but I was happy, in part, because I knew that I would put on my boots at some point and start hiking. 
You see, I am most comfortable as a hiker or a climber of this mountain that is life.  I have always been a climber.  I haven't always taken the most direct path - okay, I rarely take the most direct path up the mountain, but I love to be on the move.  I like change and learning and exploring.  I like challenges of all sorts.  And I loved living in other countries! 
Camping was something I did  for various reasons - most of which revolved around the Diva. 
Yesterday, at my meeting, I was asked "Are you interested in foreign travel?"
My heart leaped.  Ah... to use my passport again... and to have someone else pay me to use it!! 
But, of course, my brain had another opinion and answered, "Yes, but not frequently."
My meeting yesterday was an excellent introduction to the reality of what lies ahead on this new path.  In my excited and overwhelmed state of enthusiasm, I allowed myself to enjoy an emotional reaction.  The meeting reminded me that with a change in career comes a change in lifestyle. 
A big change in lifestyle. 
Should I choose to work for them, I will lose my office.  I will have to pack up my office (which will take a week or two in itself) and work in a community environment.  This is something I have never experienced; something to which I could adjust. 
The aspect of this lifestyle change that is creating a difficult challenge for me is... I will be making a choice to spend less time with the Diva.  For example, we will no longer be able to do one of our walks together (which means a little less exercise for me as well).  I cherish our morning and afternoon walks; she cherishes our morning and afternoon walks.  The reality is... one of those walks will have to go. 
This is a reality that requires a bit of time. 
A coworker asked, "Are you going to sit back and wait and give up this chance?"
To which I responded with an emphatic "no!"
That said, this is a path with many options and various possibilities.  I am fortunate in that I don't have to  make a choice now.  I have time.  I have time to talk to people, to do the research, to explore my options...I am in a rush  to get information and to explore my options; I am not in a rush to make a decision. 
Given all the lifestyle changes that lie ahead - the ripple effect that will occur.... I want  to use all the time I can to choose, not just "a job," but the right job.  I want to ensure that I have all the information I can to make the best decision...
And I have to admit, there is something to that as well - to know that I have a credential that "everyone wants" and that I can sit back, do the research, and find the right job for me!
The next month is going to be very exciting and involve some soul searching.  I am going to seriously have to decide what it is that I want. 


Bre said...

Wow, it sounds like you could have a great opportunity on your hands! I know it's a hard decision to make, but it's also a really exciting one!

The Exception said...

Bre - It is SO VERY exciting!!! It is just figuring out how to remain an active and involved mom. I just cherish time with the Diva so much...

Anonymous said...

change is good, but do take your time - this sounds very exciting!!

JustRun said...

I'm sure you'll get all kinds of advice on this, and that it'll be in every direction possible.
I just wish you well-- and though I know only from reading your blog I think you'll do what's best for your family, whether it means change or not.

The Exception said...

Kathryn - It is very exciting. Unfortunately, everyone around me is in a hurry. They don't understand that I want to sit back and take the time to fully understand my options!

JR - I will definitely change, it is just a matter of finding the right position that allows me to have the flexibility I need to be a mom while providing the mental stimulation I have been missing for the last four or so years.

And I wish I was getting more advice than I am!

Scotty said...

I am sure you will make the right decision. Any decision that is well thought out, and takes into regard the Diva and yourself, will be a good one. I am pretty confident you'll think lots, weigh lots, compare lots, and choose wisely.

A lot of people wouldn't, so be glad that you can :)

RunninOnEmpty said...

I have an opportunity with my job to travel internationally a couple times a year, and it is very rewarding. And I find that it enriches my kids as well, both the extended stays with their dad and the pictures and trinkets I bring back from foreign cultures. A happy, challenged, engaged mom is a better mom! I am lucky that during the rest of the year I have incredible flexibility.

Aaron said...

"This is nothing but a hill for a climber like you."

The Exception said...

Scotty - Thanks for the vote of confidence!

BD - That is the ideal. Now that I officially carry the badge, so to speak, I want to find what is best for us! (You are lucky!)

Aaron - A hill I am excited to climb... just need to find that path! ;)