15 November, 2007

But, It Has Protein!

The Diva is into reading labels because she knows that it is important that she gets enough protein and other minerals and vitamins. She has very little body fat, so everything that she eats is a plus - and she likes to find those things with protein and that are low in fat.
I have watched her compared cartons of milk with a friend to find the most healthy choice. I wish I knew where she learned this, but I am pretty happy that she has. It is great that she cares about what she eats and the types of foods that fuel her engine.  (Yet she is not obsessed) 
However, at the end of the day, she is just a kid. She doesn't like a lot of things - like vegetables. And she enjoys her less healthy snacks - though she will pick the most healthy of the them to eat...
"Do you think that Nutella has protein?"
"Does it?"
"Yes, 3 grams!"
"does it have fat?"
"But it has protein!"
"And what about Sugar?"
"21 gramsBut it has protein!"
And this morning...
Can I have Veggie Sticks?"
"For breakfast?" Is she serious!
"They have protein."


Eric said...

That is so very cute. You have to love the way kids think.

Carrie said...

A haha aaww...

Aaron said...

And thus begins the dietary obsession of another female. Let us know when she starts with the makeup, etc. ;)

M@ said...

If vegetables had protein, Indians would look like weight lifters.

The Exception said...

DRB - Kids are too cute and provide material for fun stories!

Carrie - I couldn't laugh because she was very serious.

Aaron - She is already very into her hair. Because she dances, she is also familiar with make-up. She is pure girl.

M@ - Now that is a completely different topic!

justacoolcat said...

Veggie Sticks for breakfast? What a great kid.

As for the Nutella, too bad simple sugars really offset any protein in a negative way.

Thanks for the link!

Kennethwongsf said...

You daughter should meet some of my friends. They think eating green tea-flavored ice cream gives them the same health benefits as drinking green tea.

The Exception said...

JACC - She really knows how to find the silver lining when it comes to something she wants to eat.

Kenneth - You mean it doesn't? *sigh* I am going to have to change my diet! ;)

I am a big fan of tea - there used to be a great tea shop just off California street in Pacific Heights on Philmore...