27 November, 2007

Normalcy Returns

This morning my parents left. 
Although I enjoy having them visit and all that we do while they are here... there is something very wonderful and satisfying about having my house and my life return to "normal."  (Not that my life is ever very normal!)
When my parents are here it is "go, go go" with little time for exercise or to myself.  We have set meals.  We drive from point A to point B.  We are continually in action. 
Not that my life is not about action - it is.  Activity is just another aspect of my life.  But quiet and down time is as well.  I like to be able to sit down a the computer and read or write without knowing that my dad is nearby waiting for his turn.  I like being able to walk around wearing whatever I like - even if that is nothing at all.  I guess I just like having the house to ourselves - having some control over the schedule and the way the house runs. 
I love my parents.  I do love when they visit. 
But now that they are gone, I can breathe a bit more easily and relax a bit more... and I can leave a dirty dish on the counter over night or run around in my underwear with the windows open...
Ah, the joy of living in one's own house without company!


M@ said...

I can't imagine living in my parents' basement....

The Exception said...

Hey M@ - if it is free... :)

Dave said...

Not to bring you down; but, remember, you only have them for a time. I had the same thoughts years ago, then the relationship shifted into their decline and my parentage. Now memories.

The Exception said...

Dave - I spend a lot of time with them. My dad has prostate cancer so we are all very aware of the time and the need to spend it together (except my brother, that is)... but I still enjoy having my house back! ;) (I love seeing them and being with them too)

Bre said...

That's similar to how I felt coming back to my apartment from my parents house