17 December, 2007

Move Over Charlie Brown...

Packages... I love packages. 
I love arriving home at the end of a long day to find... a box.  It doesn't matter how big the box is or isn't, I just love seeing that box.  Somebody, somewhere loves me!!
But don't go thinking that I am all about me because, well, I am not. 
I love sending boxes to others that much more!!
There is something about finding the right gifts, wrapping them, arranging them neatly and smartly in the box and preparing it for shipment. 
Usually I send lots of boxes.  I have a roll of strapping tape in my office, fun labels that I make myself, and boxes ship from the mail room regularly without issue. 
This year, well... things are a bit different. 
While at home suffering through my computer issues, I sat and wrapped gifts.  Everyone gets their own special wrapping paper; every gift is special after all.  After everything was wrapped, I put the gifts in a box. 
Okay, the box was not the highest quality box from the beginning.  It was shipped to me from San Francisco (where my favorite game store resides) and did not make it in tip top condition.  That said, it arrived safely as did all of its contents.  I didn't think twice about using it again. 
Perhaps this was a mistake!
Throughout all of last week I searched for my strapping tape.  The box was at work ready to go... its contents wrapped and waiting to be opened.  But I could not find my strapping tape. 
When all else fails, the solution must be... (drum roll please...)
Duct Tape!!
Friday I took my roll of silver Duct Tape to work. 
I taped the top of the box closed.  Hum... this box needs a bit more tape. 
Okay, a bit more tape turned into a lot more tape as I discovered a hole here and a rip there... and wow... this corner is really not looking that great!!
I taped the address on the top, added mail code and return address label. 
I stepped back to examine my work and...
the tape was not sticking. 
Who knew that Duct Tape and cardboard don't exactly work well together???
Ah, but I am creative and and analyst.  I had an idea!
Out came the stapler.  What better way to keep Duct Tape in place than to staple it!!
I was feeling pretty good about myself.  This box, despite its Charlie Brown appearance, was ready to go.  Amazing what a little (read  lot) Duct Tape and staples can do!
Then a coworker came into my office. 
"Do you think that box will make it cross country?"  I asked
"he looked at the box..."It looks like one of those boxes that they advertise as being something a government office is not supposed to open."
Great, just great.  I can see it now.  My Charlie Brown box, filled with brightly colored, and individualized wrapping paper lies on the tarmac while a swat team stands at the ready and a bomb squad prepares to dismantle its contents!
I laughed... "Santa Clause is in that box!!  He better make it to his destination!"
Attractive coworker stopped by.  "You are mailing that box?" 
Did I detect a little incredulous tone to his question?
"Yes, it is just duct tape and staples."
"Yeah, the same materials third world countries use to wrap their packages.  Do you think the post office is going to accept it?"  (I don't work with paranoid people at all!)
"Post office?  I am taking it to the mailroom.  It just has to make it through them!"
He shook his head and chuckled as he left.  I  grabbed my stuff, hefted my Charlie Brown box, and headed to the basement - not worried about it making it through the post office but hoping that the box doesn't fall apart during its trek cross country!
Let's hope that Duct Tape and staples work as well as they are meant to!!!


Scotty said...

I could only imagine seeing that thing! Duct tape... and staples..

You should have the recipient take a pic of it, so you can see how it weathered the travel :)

Mike said...

You should have seen the boxes my Mom use to send. She would completely cover the box in packing tape. There asn't an inch that wasn't covered.

Deadmanshonda said...

Freaking hysterical....I can't imagine how much more in postage you paid for all those staples! You poor thing! But oh so funny.....

Anonymous said...

Duct tape fixes everything. I'm sure it will be fine.

The Exception said...

Scotty - That is "if" it arrives!! I will have her take a picture.

Mike - My boxes are usually quite tame. This was an exception! ;)

DMH - I have a picture of it but figured that your imagination was probably better than the actual picture - which didn't do the Charlie Brown box justice!

JR - Finger's crossed that Duct tape will hold!

Dave said...

I didn't know that about duct tape; but, strapping tape is so wonderful. A few years back I went to Vegas for a long weekend of golf, eating, drinking and a bit of gambling.

My clubs were in a travel bag that Delta had banged around pretty good. I checked it at the hotel and each morning the golf valet guy would give me my bag in exchange for the nice tip. I didn't see the travel bag.

Sunday morning, I went to get my bag and the travel bag. The latter had suffered even more devolution. I'll leave it at, it surrounded the golf bag with large gaps.

No problem. The Sky Cap at the Airport would have one of those cardboard travel boxes that I could buy.

Nope. They were all out. "And you can't check it like that."

We both looked at it for awhile.

"You have strapping tape, grab some."

As he got into it, he was having fun. I didn't take a picture of it but I shipped a clear mummified golf bag from Vegas to Atlanta. He got a nice tip. The funeral attire held up quite well too.

Kennethwongsf said...

If that package were a traveler passing through the security checkpoint at San Francisco International Airport, it might have some explaining to do :-P

Jeni said...

Duct tape should be perfectly acceptable shouldn't it? After all, wasn't it one of the things the government told us all to invest in for security reasons a couple years ago?

The Exception said...

Dave - That is too funny! I would have loved to have seen that. You probably started a new trend!

Kenneth - Well, yeah, I don't intend to wear the same kind of wrapping when I fly later this week!

Jeni - Too right! Duct tape is government sanctioned so it should work without a problem.

Aaron said...

No pic of said box?

I say you're exaggerating!