11 February, 2008

The Name Game

Is f&*%er a bad word?
The Diva doesn't often catch me off guard, but with this question... she did. 
Where did you hear that, I asked.  I had a feeling that she had just heard it in the dressing room at ballet but I wasn't completely sure. 
No where.  I just made it up.
She made it up?  Interesting.  I didn't believe this for a second.  The tone in which she stated the word was most likely an imitation of the tone used by the person from whom she learned the word.  (Wow, that was a sentence!)  It was the tone of someone who had heard the word used rather than the tone of someone who has just made up this funny sounding word. 
It is a bad word.  One that should not be used by an 8 year old.  I do not want to get a note from your teacher saying that you used that word. 
What does it mean?
Thankfully it was dark as I am sure I rolled my eyes and decided, right then and there, that she would no longer be spending time in the dressing room after ballet!
How to define the word...  figuratively or literally.   I took a few minutes and explained that it was a way of calling someone a name; a not very nice name. 
But, of course, she wanted to know why someone would use such a word.  For that one, I had no answer.  I don't understand why people use such language, they just do. 
After we had discussed the what, when and why of the word, she finally told me how she learned the word. 
The Name  Game
Anna Anna bo Banna
Banana nana fo fanna
me my mo manna
With the name Tucker instead of Anna
(Apparently one of the girls sang the song with the word Tucker to the Diva and another girl.  The two not singing both laughed but neither had ever heard the word.  They couldn't admit that though as, well, they didn't want to look silly.)


Scotty said...

I think it's because of my parents, but I have never been a 'cusser'.

Scotty said...

And I distinctly remember asking my mom if f*&^ was a bad word. I didn't know.

She told that it was, and that she didnt want to hear my say it.

I asked what it meant, and she said that it was a very horrible word for something that was very beautiful.

Slightly cheesy, yes.

Carrie said...

Humm... that's such an innocent slip up... it's strangely cute.

Anonymous said...

About twenty years ago I came across the work f**k at summer camp the same way...the name game. But his name was Chuck, not Tucker.

JustRun said...

Oh, the Banana Fana song is so dangerous!

Enigma said...

I never swore in front of my son...but other kids did, so all you can do, is what your doing.

Aaron said...

Has the Diva been reading over your shoulder when you vist those other blogs? :P