07 March, 2008

Crossing Lines

Through our every day lives there are lines, lines that we know to exist and others that we sense.  Learning to navigate around and through these lines is a challenge.  Some of them have dire consequences while others, well, not so much. 
At work I know that I am supposed to wear business attire which includes the proper footwear.  That said, I have been seen barefoot in the office.  I crossed the line; I chose to do something I knew to be inappropriate.  The consequences are minimal if any. 
There are societal lines as well.  These lines are often more difficult to understand and require trial and error, observation, and often instincts.  And the lines are different in various societal groups.
In my family, for example, double dipping is completely off limits.  It is something that is just, not, done.  Yet I had lunch with a group last week where double dipping was not only accepted, but encouraged. 
Kat's latest post discusses one of the lines that may exist in friendships - do we tell if we see a friend's spouse or significant other behaving inappropriately?  For some friendships, the answer is a resounding yes, while others... well, telling might be crossing a line (just as the spouse or lover is doing... crossing a line)
Throughout the last year I have noticed that there are lines in the world of posts and blogs as well.  I have to admit that I, believe it or not, flirt with one of these lines every now and again and only in some places, but... I do flirt with the line of possibly being forward or inappropriate.  For me, it is all in fun; all in jest.  I am, as many of my guy friends know, a flirt.  But have I gone too far at times, possibly crossed the line?  I would guess that the answer might be yes though without intentionally doing so.  Gentlemen, if I have done this to you, I apologize.     
As someone recently pointed out (and I paraphrase here) You would not proposition a complete stranger.
I would not proposition a complete stranger nor would I proposition a friend.  I flirt; I am not forward.  and no, not even in my most flirtatious states would I ever do that. 
There is something about reading posts; reading the thoughts of others, that leaves many to believe that they know the person behind the words. 
I explained to one guy, who was ready to hop in bed with me after he found my site, that it is just a small part of who I am.  They are my thoughts, my words, and my experiences.  But, they are a small percentage of who I am and the life that I lead.  My site is more a clearing house or a place where I seek incite and humorous responses than a diary or an online journal. 
Can you get to know a bit about me... yes.  I do think that posts tell a bit about the person.  I know that I do care when things happen to the writers, good or bad.  I sincerely want to do something or help out.  I think that there are several writers that I would like to meet and have a coffee with or something.  Like I would enjoy sailing in San Diego or treasure hunting in North Carolina or Georgia.  A limo ride would be great fun as would a beach picnic or a philosophical discussion or picture viewing. 
I would enjoy all of these, but not because I think I know these people, but because I like the little piece of them I have seen and am intrigued.  (and despite any flirtatious comments, I would stay on the appropriate side of the line - but I am a flirt and I mentally flirt with men all the time)
It is fun to flirt.  The anonymity that a blog and the internet offer is... well, a nice change.  We can be a bit more flirtatious or outgoing than we might be in our everyday lives where the lines are bold and well defined.
But... just because we can't see the lines as plainly, it doesn't mean that the lines aren't there.  I enjoy writing my thoughts and reading the thoughts of others.  I appreciate the insight that each post offers.  It is nice to share experiences, gain diverse perspectives, or simply to read the writing of another (I love well written thoughts and ideas). 
In the past year I have learned that writers come and go in this world, many never realizing that what they have written may have an impact on another.  I have also learned that posts are posts, words expressing thoughts.  Posts are not people nor can they replace the thrill and challenge of personal interaction. 
Thank you to everyone I do read.  Thank you for opening your thoughts for my perusal.  Thank you for the laughter and the tears; for sharing a piece of yourselves - even the smallest piece.   


Aaron said...

I don't know if I would call it treasure hunting... unless you're talking about some of the stunning scenery that "treasure hunting" takes you to. :)

Kathryn said...

interesting and most timely

The Exception said...

Aaron - Isn't the journey the largest part of the treasure?

Kathryn - Timely? The post was inspired by a blog that I read and a situation that transpired there. Interesting world this.

Kennethwongsf said...

I think part of the appeal of blogging is that the blogger has the option to chose which aspect of his/her life he/she wants to reveal. Sometimes, you can actually see the real person behind the telling adjectives and the deliberate omissions. It's a tantalizing peek into someone's life. But sometimes, meeting the real person means relinquishing the idealized impression of the blogger. With some bloggers, I think the real person might be even more fascinating than the blog personality. With others, I fear I might lose something by crossing the line. Tough choice, isn't it?

Dave said...

Kenneth makes a good point. Chances are that a writer is "on" when writing a post. For better or worse, it's a performance. That isn't to say that that is wrong. It just isn't necessarilly the reality of the person day in and day out.

And flirt all you want.

Enigma said...

This is an interesting and timely post for me TE, as i probably 'crossed the line' on one of my more recent posts...showing more of myself than i ever had, and opening the gates for a bit of flirting much more than i have done...i stated in the heading why i did it however.