12 May, 2008

The Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down Down

I love the rain. There is something about it that leaves me feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Of course, I don't like it for days on end, but how often does that really happen anyway.

In the past few days we have received over 4 inches of rain leaving the ground saturated and water ways swollen and flooding. The flooding and mud I don't like, but bring on the rain. Sleeping in the rain has to be one of the best things in the world!

This morning when I realized that we would, once again, be walking in the rain, I was not fazed. I threw extra socks in our bags, grabbed our umbrellas, and off we went.

Now, having lived in Ireland during the rainy season, I am quite accustomed to walking long distances and standing for long periods of time in the lashing rain. I have learned how to keep warm and as dry as possible despite having wet feet and dripping skirts. I have learned how to laugh and sing and smile no matter how wet and cold it is. After all, it is just water!

Most importantly, I have learned how to use an umbrella in the wind and rain!

I suppose it is somewhat like operating a sailboat - you learn to read the wind and maneuver the umbrella to exactly the right angle. Even the strongest wind is no match for those trained in the lashing Irish rains.

At least that is what I thought.

This morning I dropped off the Diva and continued on the second mile of my walk to work. I wasn't nearly as wet as I had expected to be at that point. In fact, everything appeared to be settling down. The rain was more a drizzle and there didn't seem to be a wind.

And then I turned the corner.

First let me say that I carry a very large, you can't miss me in a storm, brightly colored umbrella. This is an umbrella for two plus all their gear. It is a walking tent! This is not a little pocket umbrella... it is that pocket umbrellas biggest and baddest brother! Or, to borrow an old phrase, it is the "mother of all" umbrellas!

But, shortly after I turned that corner, my super umbrella went to battle against an unexpected gust of wind and... lost!

That wind flipped the top of my umbrella! If that wasn't shocking enough (which it was shocking) the rain changed from a drizzle to a rain at nearly the same time.

Picture it, woman walking down the sidewalk with a huge flipped umbrella, rain pouring down, unable to fully use her left hand as it was holding a frog umbrella (which never flips I might add)... and talking to herself or the wind or the rain or the umbrella or... well, everything!

Now, the trick to flipping the umbrella back to normal is to get the wind to do it for you. After all, it caused the problem in the first place! But, this morning, the wind couldn't decide from which direction it wanted to blow. So there I was... stuck without shelter, rain coming down, wind changing directions, and me moving this way and that attempting to make the wind flip the umbrella.

Finally, I read the wind correctly and... yea, the umbrella was back to normal.

By the time I arrived at work - about ten minutes after the umbrella was fixed - my pony tail was crooked, clothes were soaking wet, and water dripped from everywhere.

The weather guys tell me that tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and warm without a chance of rain. Although I do love the rain, I am definitely looking forward to a break!


Scotty said...

I dont recall ever having a flipped umbrella :)

Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to do a Mary Poppins and fly away! :)

The Exception said...

Scotty - That must be because you are a master at reading the wind... or you have simply never experienced a strong wind/rain combo while using an umbrella. Given you live in SD... I would guess that it is the latter!

DD - Now, that would have been nice! ;)

JustRun said...

We either have cold, annoying rain here or snow. It is trying to decide between those two today. I don't know how those of you used to a lot of rainy days do it.

Aaron said...

I made it through that entire blog and walked away thinking, she wore a pony tail to work??

That just shattered my professional image of you. :(

The Exception said...

I don't like days when it can't decide what it is going to do. THe Diva and I came home that afternoon and made cookies and had hot chocolate... it was cold... in May!

Aaron - I wear it to walk and then take it down when I get to work and change. So my image is not tarnished completely, I hope!

Crazy Computer Dad said...

Is your umbrella one of the tiered ones? There are vents in mine that help to keep them from turning inside out.

A few years ago I took my son for a weekend in DC. It was November. It was a windy, rainy weekend. We had just come up from the metro and were walking to the Smithsonian air and space museum when I handed the umbrella to him so I could take a picture. It was a VERY large umbrella, like you describe. He marched on with the umbrella tight in his hands. Every few feet a gust of wind would come that nearly lifted him off the ground. The people all around us were laughing like crazy at him.