02 February, 2010

Happy Ground Hog Day

There are six weeks of winter left – that is what we heard from PA this morning.  Six weeks!!

The local weather man then informed us that we could have up to four inches of snow by morning and the local Llama just told me that there could be 20 inches in the storm this Friday night.  

6 weeks…

6 weeks of snow, of winter, of cold temperatures…

6 weeks in which the hours of light will increase each day.

6 weeks of birds returning to the area, flowers popping through the cold ground (and snow)

6 weeks of winter – the season that allows for spring and summer to happen; the season before rebirth

6 weeks…

Just 6 weeks…

I wonder if there is enough chocolate to get me through 6 more weeks!!




L said...

And wine! Also wine! ;)

Mama Llama said...

So I am the Local Llama?? :) LOL

Yeah, well now that is backed by the national weather service, so I was not off my rocker!! :)

Be well, TE.