06 April, 2010

Evening Peace

Last night, as my daughter finished her homework, I set foot on the balcony to see if the plants, formally known as pansies, managed to survive my attempt to make them cactus while we were out of town over spring break.

They didn’t appear to be happy plants.  Despite being amazingly durable, they appeared to be a bit sad and weakened by sun and lack of water for days on end.  Lack of nourishment; lack of care.  They needed to be transplanted especially with the heat promised for the middle of this week.  They needed more soil, new homes, and a nice supply of water quickly.  

Within moments, I found myself considering pots, looking for a spade, and playing in the soil.  

As the sun set, I found myself transplanting the pansies…

Planting bulbs given to me while visiting family in Kentucky…

Rearranging pots and noting dry soil…

Watering the new and the old and the rose…

Soil beneath my nails, I melted into the moment taking advantage of the wonderful evening and the quiet.  Taking advantage of the opportunity to work the soil, tend the plants, and return to nature to the extent possible.  

Over the last year, I have let my balcony garden run wild.  Plants have died, unknown weeds have grown, and pots offer various surprises.  The geraniums and the rose remain strong, as do my daughter’s apple trees, but the other plants appear neglected reflecting my lack of attention.  

Last night I reveled in the feeling of the soil.  I have longed, all winter, for this moment.  I need my plants and the connection they offer.  I need to nurture them and care for them – to see the beauty that they offer and the peace that they bring to my world.

Over the past year I have neglected taking care of a lot of things in an attempt to focus energy on other things – now it is time for me to return to the things that bring me happiness; to not only take care of myself internally, but to nurture myself through external means as well.  

Last night I took a huge step in this direction… and the path stretches ahead with no end in sight.  That path is going to be beautifully decorated with my plants and my soul.  


dadshouse said...

Gardening is very grounding. I might plant tomatoes again this year. A green thumb is good for the soul

Mama Llama said...

I need to get my vegetable garden prepped, now that my flower garden is all mulched and in bloom! Baby steps...but yes, my garden is my God time. It keeps me sane.

Be well, TE.

The Exception said...

I have heard the Tie-Dye tomatoes are the best out of OR... DH, you might have to give them a try!

ML - I need that time too. It is easy for me to allow other things to take my time away from my plants... but not this year.