26 January, 2012


it is January
it is the end of January... and I am about to venture outside without a coat.
I am sitting in my favorite seat, looking out the window, and reminding myself that I came here without a coat; I haven't worn a coat all day; and the temperature is only supposed to increase as the night progresses. I am fine without a coat.
Yet there is something about it being night in January in DC that leaves me wanting, even if I am not wearing, a coat.
Perceptions -
it is January in DC and therefore I perceive that I need a coat even if I don't.
My new manager perceives that she is being left out of everything as a result of her own insecurities over any sense of reality.
And I am perceiving myself as "old" even though there is no real reason for this outside the realization that I might not be as young as I often feel.
Today I was, in a round about way, reminded that age is only part of the story; that perceptions might seem and feel real, but they are... perceptions that aren't always based on reality.

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi TE .. we're as old as we feel aren't we .. and act and react .. it's up to us .. I've known plenty of young 80+s ... I hope the weather continues to improve .. it's similarly warm here .. enjoy the weekend .. Hilary