16 November, 2012

What Day is it Anyway?

I jumped out of bed on Thursday and suddenly remembered "It's Thursday!" Which wasn't welcome news as I woke from a dream I wanted to continue thinking it was, thankfully, Friday... and it wasn't. It was Thursday. And it was dark. And did I mention cold? But the point, it was Thursday in a week that seemed to be lasting twice as long as normal.
Although I quickly adjusted to the idea "Working 9 to 5" running through my head as I showered, the week seemed to move at a snail's pace from that point forward.
Friday morning wasn't much different. Although the sound of classical music didn't disrupt a dream I was trying to finish, it did result in everything scattered from the side table and a few grumbles from me as i worked to cease the music and move from the bed thinking... "Last day of the week. It is truly Friday!"
I would love to find explanation as to why this week has lasted so long.
Is it SADD? I have experienced that for years and it is entering that phase of the calendar year... chocolate, pasta, not so balanced life ... all possible players in the next two months. But I don't think that is it.
It could be that I am not used to working a full week at the moment. We went from Sandy to a short week due to school, to Veteran'sDay, and now to Thanksgiving... my next full week isn't until November draws to a close... and that will be quite a week!
It could be work... Um, definitely a possibility. While the actual work to be done is slow (which doesn't help) the issues to support the team are never easily controlled - which has me considering two other options while not sure that I actually want to leave where I am. It is hard to leave work you enjoy due to the lack of support and the mismanagement of the back end. Okay, there is mismanagement and no strategy on all sides, but the work is interesting.
Reality - it is what it is.
I often don't know what day of the week it is.
My life bounces between my job and my daughter's ballet schedule to the point that I often feel both encroaching on my space. I have learned to find "me time" in sleep, which I don't get much of most of the time anyway.
Just a few more weeks and there is a ballet break.
A few more weeks and I have two weeks off (kind of) work.
A few more weeks and I will know if I am staying where I am or leaving.
But then again, I might not have to wait that long as the solar flairs are to hit on the 13th and the Calendar ends on the 21st!
And if either of those things end the world, there is so much I have not done; so much I want to do....
Like figure out just what today is!

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi TE .. this time of year is always challenging isn't it - the cold and dark of autumn moves into winter ..

I hope you don't have any unnecessary hassles with the various decisions waiting for others to make ..

Your daughter is great though - being such a support and a credit to you .. I guess we'll be here January 1st 2013!!

Tis the weekend here .. you'll get yours too soon - you're sleeping soundly now .. have a happy time - Hilary