28 September, 2007

Scent Experiment

I find the power of scent intriguing. 
When I was pregnant, I remember having to leave a grocery store because the scent a man was wearing bothered me. 
The scent of fresh bread, garlic, freshly baked cookies.... and so many others, can stimulate hunger while other scents can cause me to lose my appetite completely. 
Some smells take me to another place and time.  It is as if my memory is triggered by a smell.  There are smells that take me back to an apartment in Prague, time spent in the desert after a rain storm, and the dorms at Cambridge. 
So much can happen with a simple smell. 
When Teri posted about a few days she spent in Utah and a party in which she participated, she captured my attention.  Her sister purchased Pheromones.
Pheromones... that unsmelled scent each of us exudes without our knowledge.  They are detected, more than smelled, by others.  They might play a roll in the attraction of one person to another.    
The scientist in me was intrigued.  I had to try them.  
Thus I have undertaken a blind test of the effectiveness of these pheromones.  
Hair pulled into a severe bun and wearing my lab coat, I attempted to determine what test would allow me to see results indicating the effectiveness of this scent.  I considered applying the scent to one wrist and another scent to the opposing wrist asking male subjects to choose which they preferred.  But, finding men to engage in this test would be difficult. 
I decided that the best way would be to simply wear the scent and observe any male response.  The results, I must admit, have not been as expected.  
No, I didn't expect men to fall at my feet when I walked into a room!  (Though, depending on the men, that might have been nice)
I did, however, expect some reaction when in close enough proximity to a man that he might be able to smell them.  But, perhaps that proximity is much more close than I anticipated!  
I have worn the scent several times without the knowledge of anyone with whom I came in contact.  I can tell you that, no one noticed.  There was no reaction what so ever.  
I wore them to a party the other day.  I expected there to be lots of men so what better opportunity to try them out.  There were, in fact, only a handful of men and none of them noticed.  
My findings, thus far, are inconclusive.  I do not believe that I have completed enough tests or that the test undertaken can, without much doubt, claim that the scent is ineffective.  
I have concluded that the scent does not work in casual, socially accepted, proximity to a subject.  Thus, I must test the product in a more intimate environment!
Any suggestions???  I truly want to see if they work!     


Anonymous said...

aye carumba!!!.....this could be fun....
may i be as bold to suggest that you and i conduct a small experiment. we get 'intimate' 2 nights in a row, one night with your fancy potion, the other without it. you document the results for the betterment of science, and i'll discuss it with my mates at the pub.

JustRun said...

Maybe a bar? Ha, kidding of course. We all know attraction in a bar is fuel by beer. :)

Mike said...

Any more intimate and I don't think you'll be able to judge if it is teh pheremones or you. Personally just wash your hair with Suave shampoo and I'm good. Just love the scent.

TAG said...

I'm not sure you can count on men to be open about the affect a scent has (or doesn't have) unless you ask them. You could easily be missing a huge reaction that the man was embarrassed or afraid to admit.

Can you see a co-worker going home and telling his wife "the exception had on the most arousing scent today at work. I wanted to throw her down on the conference table and go at it"?

Perhaps it is just another one of those subtle differences between men and women; but, I think men just don't express the affects as openly as the ladies.

I'll think about this some more and see if I can come up with an idea of how to get honest feedback.

Just asking men "How do I smell?" isn't the answer either. Given what you've said about your physical appearance, I sure most men will say nothing but positive things no matter what scent you are wearing.

Only a real idiot would tell a beautiful woman she didn't smell nice.


Aaron said...

I'm curious what sort of reaction you might be expecting? If you're already an attractive woman, how differently do you think individuals might respond to you. After all, they're gonna see you long before they smell you. So, unless they're blind, I'm afraid your tests might be inconclusive.

cathouse teri said...

I don't believe for a minute that "farrah moans" can be fabricated. I'm not even sure they exist!

BUT, if they do, then I exude them constantly! I mean men (and women, I might add) swarm to me as if they are dying of thirst and I'm the only drink of water around.

How to scientifically decipher this phenomenon, I have no idea. I mean, I am no great beauty. I dress somewhat provocatively, but in skirts that are to my ankles! Always. Not tight, hot-to-trot clothing.

I really have no fuckin' idea. But I would be afraid to try something that might add MORE attraction! :)

Thanks for the link, though, babe. Always love a good linking.

Unknown said...

Maybe the Phermones were made in China.

Try a restaurant in Chinatown and see if you get better data points.

M@ said...

I wonder if people can smell marijuana on me sometimes....

Kennethwongsf said...

I think the experiment was inconclusive because it wasn't done in a controlled environment. You should devise a situation where you could expose the scent to one man at a time (come to think of it, the experiment itself might be more intriguing than the results).

Anonymous said...

I could think of some fun enviornemnts to test it out in - a friend of mine wears it and swears she has guys falling all over her but I have yet to see any irrefutable evidence...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would wager to say that pheromones are not necessarily a smell, but a combination of attitude, Self confidence, good fitting and sexy clothing, and the way in which you interact with men is what pheromones are to me. Forget that stuff and do an experiment where you dress sort of frumpy/plain one day and dress sort of sexy with great hair the next and you will see this in action

The Exception said...

LB - Sounds like quite a plan - it might be fun as well!

Just Run - Alcohol and Pheromones... now that could be quite the combination!

Mike - Suave Shampoo eh? Interesting!

TAG - Yeah, I had considered that. I was looking for any response, even just a slight response would of been noted. The reality is that a scent might draw a man's attention but attraction is something that goes beyond scent - manufactured scent that is.

Aaron - Another good point. SO I need to sneak up on them from behind so they smell me first! ;) Or maybe use a blindfold?

Teri - All in good fun. I think that men are drawn to attitude and personality more than anything else (okay, they like physical attributes too) but I do think that there are factors that are more biological in nature.

This is purely a fun little experiment I am trying. The scent truly isn't a bad scent - almost fruity and clean. It truly does remind me of a shampoo in smell. I am always open to trying something for the fun of it!

Wombat - I think that they are made in Australia actually... I need to find a little Sydney or something - perhaps a "football" game? ;)

M@ - Ah, so that was you I smelled the other day! ;)

Kenneth - Exactly. For me, the results are interesting but it is more about the process of reaching a conclusion. Does the scent work? I might never know, but I will probably have a great time in my attempt to find out!

PE - She must be wearing a LOT of it as it is a very subtle scent...I think you might have to witness the process in person! I have seen little to no results in casual settings.

Doozie - I have tried that as well, unintentionally though. It is amazing what a little effort and a careful selection of clothing can do. But then again, I have been looking pretty... um... not hot as well and have received male attention. I contend that there has to be "something" that attracts people to one another that has nothing to do with looks.

Anonymous said...

I wrote about my love of a man's scent, too, a while back. As in his sweat. Love it. But you can't "buy" that — it has to be from the person's own body.

Sometime, however, that's not a very enticing thing!!!

Scotty said...

Aren't pheromones produced by your body? If so, I would think that it would be unique to each person... so maybe you got a set of pheromones from someone totally 'different'?

And, I would happily volunteer for this experiment ;)