03 December, 2007

Come Monday

This is one of those songs that runs through my head every now and again...
"Come Monday, it will be alright..."
Apparently Jimmy didn't have a kid that hated mornings as much as mine does - especially week day mornings. 
I have to admit that, I am not a big fan of mornings myself.  As the days become shorter and the nights longer, I long to spend more time tucked into the folds of my bed and duvet.  I do not like waking up in the dark nor do I enjoy leaving the warmth of the bed to make my way to the shower. 
But I do it. 
Day in and day out, I do it. 
For some reason, unbeknownst to me, the Diva doesn't think that she needs to get up and get moving in the mornings. 
"It's cold"
"I'm tired"
"My eyes won't open"
Are just a few of the reasons I hear for her not getting out of bed.  They each play their role in our morning routine. 
Back rubs, tickles, and sometime  a purring cat next to her... "Okay, time to get up"
She giggles and doesn't move.  I know she is awake. 
10 minutes later - "Okay, time to get up, you have 20 minutes to get ready."
And out come the excuses...this morning a new one joined the normal lot - "It's Sunday!"
I wish there was a nice way to wake in the mornings.  I wish I didn't have to start her day with impatience and reminders as to the importance of being on time.  I wish that she could wake up naturally, receiving all the sleep that she needs...
But life doesn't work like that. 
There are things to do, places to go, and people to see... and they all require her to get up timely. 


Bre said...

My mom used to threaten to bring the shower to us unless we got up and got in the shower. One or two cups of cold water in my (sleeping) face was enough to convince me that it wasn't worth arguing over!

The Exception said...

Bre - I have threatened to do as much - I just don't want a wet bed!

Have the T-shirt said...

Maybe you can make it worth her while to get up the first time you ask? A special breakfast? Extra time to read a book before you both dash off to your day? Jeremy would do ANYTHING if I promised to read to him when he was little :p

OR, you could just make her set her own alarm and get herself up...I saw these alarms that should be outlawed....when the alarm goes off, a big flag (or something) flies off the top of the clock and you have to retrieve it and replace it on the clock to shut the damned thing off. Talk about cruel?!

The Exception said...

I haven't tried a real reward. I have done the "First one out of bed gets a breakfast cookie (thank you Quaker!) which worked until this morning.

That alarm clock should be illegal! ;)

Scotty said...

I have memories of mom yelling out (from the bottom of the stairs), "Time to get up! Up and Adam! Rise and shine! Time to go!"

Next time I am visiting the parents I think I will ask them if I was a difficult one to get out of bed. :)

Aaron said...

...which is where a man would come in handy. That behavior didn't fly when I was a kid.