06 February, 2008

Slip Sliding Away

I want to bang my head against the monitor.  How difficult is it for people to enter data?  They realize that this is something that is due the first of each month and yet... they don't do it. 
I am beyond befuddled and frustrated... I am ready to turn off my computer and leave for the day... and it isn't even close to day's end. 
Think happy thoughts...
Winter and its cold weather seem to bring with them a desire to day dream.  Not everyone can travel to exotic locations to soak up some sun and enjoy the surf... though we can enjoy Just Run's pictures! 
We can dream.  We can slip slide into a locale of our choosing and escape the cold, the snow, the wind, and the silly people at work who don't do their jobs timely!
While Aaron drifts off to a comfy chair and smokes a cigar... I slide into visions of spring along the Mississippi.  (or spring in general... warm weather is key).  I dream of relaxing on the porch in a comfortable chair and listening to birds as I work or read or simply enjoy the silence.
My mind slips into a bed with crisp sheets and a quilt.  A breeze gently blows through the open window.  I am lulled by the songs of the crickets and the frogs as they sing into the night.  
I float to an east coast beach... the sun slowly rising, casting light onto the sea.  The world caught in awakening... that silence that lies between night and day.  The surf dancing along the beach.  Water and sand tickling my feet.  
The hands on the clock have moved; the numbers have flipped indicating that time has passed.  
The end of the work day is that much closer, and I am a little more relaxed.  But, I am not yet ready to check to see if the data magically materialized while I was slip, sliding away.
Any day dreams to share? 


Scorpy said...

I loved "Slip, slidin' away" it still brings back memories when I hear it...even though that is very rare nowadays

JustRun said...

I'm ready to throw in the towel on today and it's only 9:05 a.m. I'm with ya.

The Exception said...

Scorpy - It is just one of those songs that lightens the day a little.

JR - With pictures like yours, it is easy to escape and let the day pass without realizing it is doing it!