26 May, 2008

Memorial Day

Memorial day, for my family, was all about poppies and lakes and camping. It was picnics, cooking outside, and the first weekend of water skiing. Memorial day marked the beginning of summer and all that it entailed.

It was only after I moved to Northern Virginia that the day acquired a bit more depth in my life.

Many might feel greater sentiment toward this day as a result of 9-11 or the conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan.

For me, the day is more meaningful because of Vietnam.

I grew up with kids who were touched directly by the conflict in Vietnam. I have studied it from various angles, and I have worked with men who were on the ground and in the air of Vietnam. Strange that a conflict that happened years ago and ended, years ago, is touching my heart now.

But it is. It is not the events of the conflict though, it is those who fought, those who served, and those who come to Virginia and DC every Memorial day to remind everyone and to remember.

I am not a motorcycle person. I know lots of people who love them and have nothing against them. They are just not my thing. Yet, this weekend, I want to ride. I want to be part of the many that roll into town from all over the state, the country, and the world. I want to be apart of the movement - the remembrance.

This weekend, thousands upon thousands of people will gather in DC to remember. They will honor those who served, those who remain missing, and those who have fallen. From all walks of life, they will come, they will share, and many will remember their own experiences. Although it started in response to Vietnam, Rolling Thunder is now a movement that includes everyone - and everyone is honored.

This is to all those I knew and all those I didn't...The song is "
If You're Reading This" Although there are many songs that might be fitting, this song touches my heart and serves as a reminder, to me, of those who we honor on Memorial Day.

Have a wonderful day.


cathouse teri said...

Very lovely.

My father flew a C-130 during Vietnam. He did a lot of dropping rescue supplies. My mother did such a good job of sheltering us from the daily terror going on in her heart that we didn't even know a war was on, let alone that our father was in it! And we lived on an Air Force Base in Japan!

At any rate, I like the way you have learned to spend this day. Remembering is a very good thing.

~~Lily~~ said...

Everytime I hear that song I cry..I hope you & your daughter have a great Memorial Day