23 June, 2008

On the Road Again!

am currently on the Exceptional Summer Road trip! This annual event started in Omaha, Nebraska where the zoo was our top priority! (If you have ever been to the Omaha zoo, you will understand why, and if you haven't, the zoo is a must see in this Heartland city)

So... while I am on the road, making my way back to Virginia and hoping to avoid tornados, floods, and other natural disasters that have rocked the Midwest so far this season, I invite everyone to be creative.

It is once again time for... Remember when...

Originally borrowed from Scorpy who borrowed it from someone else, I had fun with this last year while I was on vacation.

Scorpy put the rules so succinctly:
This is a Mandatory Group Activity!!!! Here's the deal: Post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. You've got free reign. Start your sentence "Remember when you and I...."
It is an opportunity for the readers to be creative and wild. The sky is the limit! Write a memory of something we, you and I, experienced together. fictitious of course as I have never met any of you! The memories can be realistic, humorous,romantic, adventurous, dramatic, or simply delightful!

It's always great to see what people write so... have fun! (And there are some memories (comments) I wish I would have experienced!)


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I vaguely remember this. Okay, let's see...

Remember that time you and I drank vodka lemonades on that patio in St. Petersburg all afternoon even though neither of us really like vodka lemonades but it just seemed like the right thing to do? Then we walked over to the beach and let two boys way too young for us teach us how to use skim boards-- boy, all that vodka really came in handy then, didn't it? I think after that we went shopping and bought an impossible amount of shoes we didn't need, but I can't really remember. What I do remember, though, is that it turns out I like vodka now. So all in all it was a successful day.

geez, if I could be this creative all the time.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we were driving down the South American coast, passing tiny villages, stopping for the occasional fish taco, and we found a secluded stretch of beach, pulled off the road, got in the water, and made love on the beach under an orang and red sunset sky... Ah, memories. We should totall do that again!

cathouse teri said...

Remember that time we went to the zoo and we hated it? The weird thing is, you continued to go to zoos and found out that you love zoos, but hated just that one! I, on the other hand, wound up hating all zoos. Cause I'm a hater. :)

Anonymous said...

Having fun on a summer road trip can be so fun and make a lot of great memories! Unfortunately due to the ever rising gas prices road trips will happen less and less this year. But Jack in the box has come up with a great promotion this summer perfect for anyone on a road trip. You love those tacos from Jack in the Box, don’t deny it.—the crispy goodness with the melted cheese, hot sauce and crisp lettuce on the inside. With gas becoming more and more expensive, Jack wants to help you fill your stomach. Bring any gas receipt to Jack in the Box next Thursday, June 26th, and get TWO FREE TACOS. No gimmicks, no hidden fees, no purchase necessary—just two free tacos! Let all your friends know if they like taaaaacos

Scotty said...

Remember when you and I painted that room together..

Anonymous said...

Remember when you and I baked those awesome chewy chocolate-chip cookies, without the chocolate-chips? Mmmm. my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Remember when you and were in Jamaica and the night club had just closed and we decided to take that stroll along the beach in the moonlight? I know you do…remember how the night air was so cool on our skin as our temperatures were high due to the dancing. As we strolled along the beach I playfully nudged you to go skinny dipping…you were reluctant to do it, afraid others would see us in the moonlight. You finally gave in and allowed me to remove your dress and we sprinted to the surf…that night was the best night of that trip. You remember I know you do.

The Exception said...

Jr - I am a bit foggy on the details of that night due to all that vodka. Unlike you, I don't think that I have ever touched a drop... but those shoes... I still have a few pair!

DH - Sweet memories such as that are impossible to relive. I, however, am up for a new adventure... perhaps New England in the fall with B&B and crackling fires?

The Exception said...

CT - I do love a few zoos... you just don't know what you are missing!

??? - Hum.... I am not a fan of Jack in the Box or fast food in general.

Scotty - As I recall it, we attempted to paint the room but didn't get very far. It took me days to rid myself of those very white fingerprints on my body! ;)

Emma - Ah, now that are the days and the memories. There is nothing quite like making cookies with a great friend!

Just a Man - Of course I remember... we are talking about you and me... how could I ever forget. (I even recall the feel of the water and the sand in some not so wonderful locations afterward!)