20 June, 2008

Show Me The Money

A few weeks ago I was given the opportunity to pick a restaurant in DC or Virginia - any restaurant I wanted - for lunch.  Any restaurant!  A man was willing and wanting to take me anywhere I wanted to go. 
There are a few top notch places in the city that intrigue.  The foodies rave about Citronelle, Palena, Komi, Hook, and 2941 in Virginia.   
I happily sat at my computer, avoiding my work and researching which I wanted to try. 
And I rejected all of them.  Each review winning, foodie raving choice.  I rejected them all!
I am sure that they are great restaurants.  I am sure that the chef at each is wonderful and is truly a specialist at his/her art.  But, to be frank, I prefer simple foods cooked to perfection.  I also am not sure that any meal is worth the price listed on the menu.  Realizing that my date for the day was a foodie, I pick Spezie, an Italian restaurant which does receive its share of great reviews.  (Food was okay, but a bit rich - prefer Villa Mozart in Virginia)   
I quickly realized that, despite being given carte blanche to choose a restaurant, I was more interested in finding something that was suitable for both of us and would allow us to spend time together.  Price didn't matter in the least.  I found that my idea of sharing a meal was more about the conversation and the time shared than about the listed price. 
Perhaps I am betraying woman kind in believing that a date is not about the money a man spends but about the opportunity to get to know him in a relaxed setting.  It is about enjoying oneself, relaxing, and sharing a meal or a moment of the day.
Why do women want men to spend money on dates? 
Any man can pull out a credit card and spend an extreme amount of money on a meal.  It doesn't mean that it will be a great meal or a fun evening, it just means that he is willing to spend that moneyMy experience suggests that a date spent doing something beyond the restaurant leads to more fun and a greater chance to get to know the man (because he isn't trying so hard I think).  Getting to know one another is the fun of a date.  
And isn't getting to know one another the point?
For me, a great date is relaxed.  It is sharing a glass of wine and cooking together (and a man who can cook is beyond sexy, thank you very much).  It is spending the day on the water sailing or strolling through parks and markets.  If I lived in Italy, I would be one of those people enjoying la passeggiata every evening - and that, with a gelato, would be such a wonderful date.  
Many women desire that expensive date.  The date where the menus do not display the price, the wine flows freely, and everyone is dressed to a tee.
I realize that we each look for different qualities in a date.  We each define a date quite differently.  But my question is, does the price of the date matter?  If yes, why?


Mike said...

I've met these women over the years and their more interested in my wallet than me. It's usually why I choose the Starbucks date first. It helps me fitler the gold diggers out. The women not concerned about money are more concerned about getting to know you and not your bank account number.

Jeni said...

I agree with both of you on this! Money doesn't assure a good personality match in any way, shape or form. A nice, quiet, even inexpensive meal of good food is much more revealing. Or even spending time cooking it together. Personally, I find a man with dishpan hands to be extremely sexy as well! But then too, there is also the reverse consideration that no one wants to get involved with a cheapskate either so it is a fine line there at times one has to tread I guess.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous post! I wish more women shared your attitude.

And Italian passeggiatas rock.

The Exception said...

Mike - Completely understand the Starbucks test!

Jeni - It is a thin line. One man told me that if a woman expects an expensive meal, then he expects breakfast in the morning. He doesn't think that his expectation is fair.

DH - Thanks!! Couldn't resist such a great idea!! (Thanks)

Anonymous said...

Quality over quantity is what I say!! :)

Scotty said...

Super post!

I once went on a date that consisted of frozen yogurt to start. We didn't want to stay there forever, so I suggested we walk around the grocery store next door.

Turned out better than I thought it would.

The Exception said...

Emma - Here, here!!

Scotty - It is all about the company and well, walking around a grocery store can be... fun!