11 September, 2008


"You look great."  He smiles and touches my arm. 
"Yeah right."  I laugh.  Sure, I might look okay but I look the same as I did a week ago or even a month ago with the difference being that my hair might be in need of a trim. 
"You're just horny!"  I tell him and then begin to wonder if hormones do make a difference.  Does the desire to satisfy a primal need - to have sex- leave us seeing potential partners differently?
There are times when I feel sexier than others.  I can feel the desire to have sex changing my outlook and my demeanor.  I talk differently, flirt more, and express myself in a more physical way.  It is all without intent - well, the intent is subconsciously to fulfill a need.  Does that desire do more than just change my behavior?  Does it also change the way I see the men around me? 
Is being horny a new form of beer goggle?
Studies have shown that the phenomenon of beer goggles does exist.  It is not just an old wives tale or the most famous excuse used by men everywhere when caught the next morning with a woman in their beds. 
Men and women, alike, are effected by alcohol.  Not only do members of the opposite sex appear more attractive, but members of the same sex do as well.  The competition looks a bit more stiff through the beer goggles. 
Do hormones have the same effect?  When wearing our estrogen goggles, does his chest look a little more muscular, his stomach more flat, his waist more tapered, his hair more... there?
The guys I know do some crazy things under the influence of testosterone - and I am not referring to more aggressive behavior.  They openly check out women as opposed to doing it subtly.  They enjoy the internet just a tad more than usual.  Their e-mail to me are a bit more flirtatious or more regular.  And it probably isn't just the men I know.  Check out Craig's List sometime and note the men looking for women... right now?  Note the men who suddenly are hot and bothered and then just... disappear once the tide has reached its high point and testosterone levels start returning to a more normal state. 
I have heard men say "He just told you that to get laid."  This is something I understand - saying anything to achieve a specific end state is within my comprehension.  But I am starting to ask myself if the "things said to get laid" don't have more truth to them than just a tactical maneuver? 
At that moment in time, perhaps I do have the greatest smile, most amazing hands, or amazing oral skills.  It is not that I actually do, it is that they are seeing everything through testosterone!
Being horny allows men to see just how amazingly wonderful and attractive we are.  More over, it removes inhibition and loosens the tongue...



Oral skills....

Loosens the tongue...

Girl, you're turning me on with words like that!!

Or maybe I just need to get laid.


Mama Llama said...

I agree with you, TE. (and with T, too! JA!)

Something I have actually been thinking quite a bit about...I might blog about this very issue today. I will link up to you if I do.

Time to shower my garden off of me. Be well, TE.

Mike said...

Being horny is not the new beer goggles. That's been around since the dawn of time. While men always recognize the beauty of a woman. Horniness can make the scale slide.

dadshouse said...

What Mike said. Spot on.

Anonymous said...

You could be the next Carrie Bradshaw! This column reads exactly like one of hers (at least the portions she'd let us hear/read on the show!).