26 September, 2007

Proud of Them?

Before I start this post, let me say that I enjoy reading Outdoor Living.  Aaron has interesting things to say and great pictures - and his girlfriend and he take fabulous little trips. 
On this post, Aaron commented that I seem to mention my breasts a lot - I must be proud of them.  I would like to thank him for pointing this out to me as I honestly didn't know that I had mentioned them that often.  I also decided that I will dedicate this post to him. 
Ladies, you can either read the remainder of this post or come back again tomorrow when I will return to the topics you expect to find. 
And, for Aaron...
For me, to be frank, breasts are an aspect of the female body.  Men have them too, and they are often under appreciated, but that is a different post.  In this sense, I don't see mine as being any different.  
Am I proud of them?  Now, this intrigued me.  It intrigued me all the more when I received a similar statement from "That Guy" who is a breast connoisseur from his glory days:  "The other thing that makes them great is that you are proud of them, which is pretty sexy..."
I never, truly, thought of them as something about which I was proud.  I mean, I don't do anything or haven't done anything that resulted in my  being built as I am.  It is all about genetics.  
Most of the time, I honestly don't even know that they are there.  I mean, I do, but as I have written in the past, I like to think of myself as a mind more than I consider my body. 
That said, I am aware of the power of the female form.  I am equally aware of the ability to use that power to capture the attention of men.  It is not a power I misuse or use in a negative manner.  If I use it at all, it is purely for fun.  
Because I think so little  about them, it fascinated me that men are drawn to them as they are.  One of those differences between men and women that I find intriguing.  So again, I consulted "That Guy..."  This is a true conundrum for me as men have breasts too.  There is nothing but size that separates the male and female breast (most of the time).  What makes my breasts different?  "Big, but firm  (and yet soft).  But what makes them stand out is your nipples.  Some girls that have large breasts have really big nipples, especially the part surrounding the nipples themselves.  Yours are perfectly sized."  Men make such a science of the subject.
perhaps men are more impressed with my breasts than am I.  For me, frankly, they are more of a pain than an asset.  Clothes don't often fit correctly; I can't wear the clothes I often want to wear; they can get sore; they deter from the attention that should be given to my mind and abilities; and they run the risk of sagging in a few decades. 
That said, they are well shaped; can be used to attract a man's attention; do add to the shape of my dresses etc in a delightful way; can be loads of fun in the right situation; and are, to be frank, simply part of me. 
I am not sure that I would say that I am proud of my breasts.  I am aware of them and all that they bring to my life - the good and the bad.  I am confident in who I am - and they are part of that person.  Love 'em or leave 'em, these babies are simply a part of me! 


TAG said...

Definitely, be proud. All women should be proud of their bodies.

Far too many ladies see some "super model" and feel they don't compare. This is a shame. Using something like that as a benchmark against which we measure ourselves can be such a bad thing.

I say, take care of your body. (It's not like you can trade it in on a newer model if you wear it out). Do the little things necessary to stay fit. And be proud of who and what you are.


Mike said...

It is true. You do mention them a lot.

"Some girls that have large breasts have really big nipples, especially the part surrounding the nipples themselves. Yours are perfectly sized." Now did I miss a picture or something cause I'm feeling jiped.

Scotty said...

I think everyone should be proud of who, and what they are. It makes us unique.

As for the breast mentions, I didn't think you mentioned them a lot. Although I am in the same boat as Mike, did we miss a pic?

JustRun said...

Proud is such an odd word for describing one's feelings about her breasts, for women, anyway. Then again, I can think of a few times when I've heard a man talk about something of his and yeah, proud would describe that perfectly. I guess it's just one of the differences between us.

It took until I was about 25 to become comfortable with myself and now the only time I wish they were different is while I'm running. In fact, it'd be nice if they could just disappear during that activity.

Kennethwongsf said...

Thanks for keeping us abreast ;-)

Anonymous said...

mmmm!!!! more talk of breasts....tis a subject i will never tire of....they are wonderful little (or big or medium) things.

Have the T-shirt said...

I consider my boobs a fashion accessory...like jewelry, worn properly they can add alot to the look of an outfit :P

Unknown said...

"...loads of fun..."

Sums it all up.

Michael C said...

It's odd because I had noticed the same thing since I started being a daily fan here. You did seem to mention them what seemed like often. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I sometimes envy the power that women can wield with their looks seduction, etc. After all, humor can only take a guy so far. Very interesting post.

cathouse teri said...

I've had many men tell me I have beautiful breasts. Yes, thank you. I like them, too. I mean, they turn me on all day long! :)

Seriously, though, one man I have known (and loved) for years said it and I replied, "Well I don't feel like I can take credit for them or anything. I mean I didn't do anything to get them." He said, "Well you've nurtured them."

So, he's right about that.

The Exception said...

TAG - I agree. We only have one body so taking care of it is key!

Mike and Scotty - You didn't miss pictures, no worries!

Just Run - It took me a while to get used to them as well. And running... There are times I wish I could just remove them and running is just such a time.

Kenneth - That was cute!!

LB - Men! ;)

T-Shirt - That is a nice way to view them - and they can make something look "just right!"

Oh Wombat - I just so don't get it!!

MC - I am apparently clueless as I was completely unaware of my mentioning them so often. Breasts only have power when men allow them to! ;)

Teri - Good point. I suppose that I do take care of what I have. ;)

Aaron said...

Thanks for the honorable mention!

Sarah and I took a lovely 300mi tour of the North Georgia mountains this past weekend. I never got around to posting pics of it, because she hijacked the camera and I haven't gotten my hands on it yet. I don't suppose we do anything other couples don't do -- she's just a shutter bug, that's all.

Anyway, on to the topic at hand. My comment wasn't meant to be a despariging remark, but made in humor (as I suspect you may have received it). But you do seem to mention them frequently. So, if you can't be proud of them, I'll be proud for you. Sight unseen, I'll agree with Teri. I'm sure you've nutured them well. :)

You're such a tease. ;)